Saturday, August 14, 2010

Emma had the camera and took many pictures of her room. I had to keep this one of her friends.
Saturday morning Alex was so into driving his car that he conned Grammie into letting him bring home.

When Alex is working hard he makes a sucking sound with his lips and tongue. Daddy could not fix his light so Alex said he could do it. After he could not he said the exact words Daddy had about it being broken.
On Lake Neshonoc at Pamela's house(daddy's boss) Alex relaxed in the water with Reese(Mommy Erin works with Daddy). Alex is three months younger. Emma had a good time with Carla(11year daughter of Pamela's.) Mommy was shocked how Emma took off swimming with her floaties in the lake with Carla. And playing in the bounce house.
The kids fell asleep on the drive home so Daddy set up outside while Mommy showered from being in the lake. Mommy does not like being in lakes.

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