Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Super Alex and Mommy's birthday

Super Alex to the rescue! Almost every night after bath Alex likes to be Super Alex.
The evening before Mommy's bithday the kids and Daddy made her a birthday cake. In the picture they are singing "bata, bata chocolata" a Dora song.
Then Emma put egg sprinkles on and Alex put cows.

On Mommy's birthday the kids were well behaved in the morning anyway. We shopped, had a mocha and a picnic lunch in the backyard. Finally, we had cake when Daddy came home from work.
Then we drove north to Drugen's for dinner.

One of the very few pictures of us. Emma took it.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday! What wonderful pictures! I especially like the one of you and your great husband. It looks like they all made sure to spoil you a bit on your special day. Wish we could have celebrated with you!