Emma is stealing Mommy's chocolate! Mommy taught her well.
Then Alex got in the game. We have now found out that mini Reese's peanut butter cups work well bribbing Alex to do something.
One morning Alex gave Dora and other house mates a ride on his train.
My beautiful sassy Emma is all dolled up(wearing Mommy's lipstick).
Alex made a train and is driving it. It is paper towel and each piece is carring a toy.
Saturday we played at Aunt Tricia's house to celebrate Uncle Jim's and Mitchell's birthdays.
Today Alex is a robot. Some how he did not run into any walls.
Emma helped Mommy dust. She is still in her pajammas because she wants to wear jeans now and she only has two pair so they are in the wash.
Emma has had a big growing spurt. She can not get enough to eat and Mommy thinks she can see Emma getting taller by the hour.
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